The National Research Hub on Official Language Minority Communities

Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors represent various Canadian institutions with an interest in fields of research relevant to the CIRLM:  

Three directors from the Université de Moncton: 

  • Mr. Érik Labelle Eastaugh, Dean, Facutly of Law, Campus Moncton
  • Mr. Gilles Roy Vice-Rector, Vice-Rectorate for Learning and Research, Université de Moncton
  • Mr. Gabriel Cormier, Vice-Rector, Vice-Rectorate for Administration and Human Resources, Université de Moncton

The Rector of the Université de Moncton, who also acts as Chair on the Board of Directors: 

  • Mr. Denis Prud'homme, Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Université de Moncton
The Executive Director of the CIRLM:

  • Mr. Éric Forgues

Representative of an institute  other than the CIRLM or a research center affiliated with the Université de Moncton:

  • Vacant position
Representative of the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire: 

  • Mrs. Céline Poncelin de Raucourt, Vice-Principal Education and Research, Université du Québec

Two people representing the Quebec Anglophone university community:

  • Mrs. Jacqueline Vachon – Associate Director, Dialogue McGill, McGill University
  • Mr. Chedly Belkhodja, Director and Professor, School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia University 

Person representing the Atlantic Francophone university community, excluding the Université de Moncton: 

  • Mrs. Martine Béland, Vice-Rector for Learning and Research , Université Sainte-Anne

Person representing the Ontario Francophone university community:

  • Mr. Serge Miville, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Sudbury

Person representing Western Canada's Francophone university community:

  • Vacant position

Person representing the federal government (no voice) nominated by the Minister:

  • Mr. Jean Marleau, Director, Strategic Planning and Research, Canadian Heritage