The right to English health and social services in Quebec: a legal and political analysis
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Maison d'édition :
, Université de Sherbrooke
The right to English health and social services in Quebec raises important issues in the context of Quebec language policy, in that French is the official language of Quebec and intended to be the common language of all Quebecers. The author first gives an overview of language policy in the Quebec and federal contexts. He then traces the evolution of the right to English health and social services, enshrined in legislation in 1986, and its implementation. He next examines the application of the legislation during a period of transformation of the Quebec health and social services system and respect for the right under a new government. Finally, he analyses whether the right to English services infringes the 'Charter of the French language,' dealing particularly with the right to work in French and the issue of signs in the health and social services sector. The author concludes that the right to English services has become politicized in recent years and that lack of political will has prevented the government from fully respecting its obligations under health and social services legislation and social services legislation.
Thème :
Anglophones au QuébecSanté et mieux-êtreService social
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