Version PDF : Chapitre 1. Jack Jedwab - How shall we define thee? Determining who is an English-Speaking. Quebecer and Assessing its Demographic Vitality
Version PDF : Chapitre 2. Pierre Foucher - Legal Status of Anglophone Communities in Quebec: Options and Recommendations
Version PDF : Chapitre 3. William Floch et Joanne Pocock - Emerging trends in the Socio-economic status of English-speaking Quebec: Those who left and those who stayed
Version PDF : Chapitre 4. Patricia Lamarre - English education in Quebec: Issues and Challenges
Version PDF : Chapitre 5. James Carter - What future for English-language Health and Social Services in Quebec?
Version PDF : Chapitre 6. Guy Rodgers, Jane Needles et Rachel Garber - The Artistic and Cultural Vitality of English-speaking Quebec
Version PDF : Chapitre 7. Richard Y. Bourhis - The English-speaking communities of Quebec: Vitality, multiple identities and linguicism
Version PDF : Chapitre 8. Jack Jedwab et Hugh Maynard - Politics of Community: The evolving challenge of representing English-speaking Quebecers
Version PDF : Chapitre 9. Richard Y. Bourhis et Rodrigue Landry - Group Vitaliy, Cultural autonomy and the Wellness of Language Minorities
Version PDF : Chapitre 10. Victor Goldbloom, André Pratte et Graham Fraser - Multiple views on the English-speaking communities of Quebec
The vitality of the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec: From Community Decline to Revival
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Maison d'édition :
, Centre d'Études ethniques des universités montréalaises et Institut canadien de recherche sur les minorités linguistiques
Disponible en anglais seulement.
Thème :
Anglophones au QuébecVitalité communautaire