Les écoles minoritaires de langue française canadiennes à l'heure du pluralisme ethnoculturel
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 27
Collection :
, 1
Revue :
, Études ethniques au Canada / Canadian Ethnic Studies
Pages :
, 32-47
Considers the issue of ethnocultural pluralism in French-language minority schools in Canada. With an increasing number of students from diverse ethnic backgrounds, schools in general must be able to meet the needs of this clientele and to integrate the students within the host society. Ministries and departments of education across the country have taken several measures to meet this objective. These efforts have not fully succeeded in taking into consideration the reality of the francophone minority setting, and the measures taken have been based mostly on the needs of the anglophone majority. The article draws on the results of a 1991 study done for the 'Comité canadien francophone pour l'éducation interculturelle' (the Francophone Canadian Committee for Intercultural Education) to examine the response to ethnocultural pluralism in French-language minority schools across Canada.
Thème :
ÉducationFrancophonesIntégrationMilieu scolaireMinorités linguistiques
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