Transformation marquante dans la configuration spatio‑linguistique de la région de Moncton au Canada / A significant transformation in the linguistic configuration and of the cultural identifies in the Greater Moncton, Canada
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 111
Collection :
, 625
Revue :
, Annales de géographie
Pages :
, 303‑318
Située au cœur des Maritimes, dans le sud‑est du Nouveau-Brunswick, l’agglomération du Grand Moncton est la région urbaine canadienne qui présente la plus forte concentration d’Acadiens français. Au fil des années, ces derniers furent plus présents dans la société néo-brunswickoise contribuant grandement au développement de Moncton à travers la création d’institutions acadiennes dans le domaine de l’éducation et des services financiers. Les transformations dues à l’émergence d’une influence acadienne modifient la configuration géographique et l’identité culturelle de l’espace en question. Cette réalité apparente fait l’objet d’une série d’analyses spatio‑temporelles à l’aide des Systèmes d’Information Géographique (SIG); ces analyses montrent d’abord que la dynamique des populations francophone et anglophone a tendance à créer certains îlots linguistiques tandis que ralentit le processus généralisé d’assimilation des Acadiens à la majorité anglophone dans l’agglomération du Grand Moncton. Ces transformations mettent en évidence le rôle de l’Université de Moncton comme centre d’attraction éducationnel, culturel et même politique pour les Acadiens de Moncton en particulier et des Provinces maritimes en général.
Located in the heart of the Maritimes in Southeast New Brunswick, Moncton has the highest concentration of Acadians in any urban setting in Canada. Over the years, Acadians have increasingly become part of the New Brunswick society. They have greatly contributed to Moncton’s development through the creation of genuine Acadian institutions in the educational and financial sectors, which, as a result, have modified the spatio‑linguistic configuration and the cultural identity of the place. This new reality has been the object of a series of spatiotemporal analyses using the Geographic Information System (GIS); they show that the dynamics of the Francophone and Anglophone populations in the agglomeration’s different sectors lead to the creation of some isolated linguistic groupings. And that unlike the situation in other regions of New Brunswick, the assimilation process of the French-speaking Acadians into the Anglophone majority has slowed down in the Greater Moncton over the course of the last few years. These transformations point out to the crucial role of the Université de Moncton as an educational, cultural and even political nexus for the Acadians in the Greater Moncton, as well as in the Maritime provinces in general.
Located in the heart of the Maritimes in Southeast New Brunswick, Moncton has the highest concentration of Acadians in any urban setting in Canada. Over the years, Acadians have increasingly become part of the New Brunswick society. They have greatly contributed to Moncton’s development through the creation of genuine Acadian institutions in the educational and financial sectors, which, as a result, have modified the spatio‑linguistic configuration and the cultural identity of the place. This new reality has been the object of a series of spatiotemporal analyses using the Geographic Information System (GIS); they show that the dynamics of the Francophone and Anglophone populations in the agglomeration’s different sectors lead to the creation of some isolated linguistic groupings. And that unlike the situation in other regions of New Brunswick, the assimilation process of the French-speaking Acadians into the Anglophone majority has slowed down in the Greater Moncton over the course of the last few years. These transformations point out to the crucial role of the Université de Moncton as an educational, cultural and even political nexus for the Acadians in the Greater Moncton, as well as in the Maritime provinces in general.
Thème :
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