Recognizing One Other: Aboriginal People, Migrants and Francophones in the (Small) Northern Societies of Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Revue :
, Canadian Issues
Pages :
, 30‑34
Canada is often considered a pioneer or an "ideal type" society with respect to taking into account the multiple demands for recognition made by the groups that shape multiculturalism in this country. How do we correlate the cultural diversity that comes from immigration to the particular demands of Francophone minority and First Nations communities? This question is addressed through an account of the very particular situation faced by Canada’s three territories (Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories) and the relationships among the various communities that live there. Over time, these northern societies have in fact become a unique "makeshift society" in Canada, but not without their challenges.
Thème :
AutochtonesFrancophonesMigrationsNunavautTerritoires canadiensTerritoires du Nord‑OuestYukon
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