The Economics of Minority Language Identity
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 33
Collection :
, 3
Revue :
, Canadian Ethnic Studies
Pages :
, 134-154
Examines how minority language, as one dimension of ethnic minority identity, changes and what market returns it brings. Using the 1996 Canadian census microdata, the article addresses substantial variations in nonofficial mother tongues and home languages, especially among the foreign-born. Nonofficial home languages (language used in the home setting) and mother tongues produced net market penalties, whereas English mother tongue or home language yielded positive net returns. The market disincentives associated with nonofficial languages and the incentives associated with English mother tongue or home language probably explain why the use of minority languages has declined in Canada in favor of the English language. Nonetheless, the debate regarding ethnic identity and social mobility cannot be resolved without further examining the numerous dimensions of ethnic identity and how each influences economic outcomes.
Thème :
Francophones hors QuébecIdentitéMinorités linguistiques
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