Linguistic Legislation
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Revue :
, The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics
In many modern states, the coexistence and contacts of numerous—and different—languages has become a common phenomenon, which often leads to a situation of linguistic conflicts and inequalities. Where these languages coexist in a dominant–dominated relationship which is indicative of a power struggle, a situation of conflict between linguistic majorities and minorities tends to result. Linguistic conflicts were significant during the 20th century. At the beginning of the new millennium, they are still important. Linguistic neutrality has been relegated to the past. Linguistic intervention has thus become increasingly prevalent. States must tackle these conflicts and their multidimensional ramifications by means of appropriate linguistic planning policies, which currently tend to translate more and more often into language legislation. Although linguistic policies do not always require the implementation of linguistic legislation
, they usually do so as a rule. Thème :
Gouvernance ‑ LeadershipMultilinguismePolitique linguistique
Base de données : il s’agit d’une référence bibliographique. Veuillez noter que la majorité des références de notre base de données ne contient pas de textes intégraux.
- Pour consulter les références sur la santé des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire (CLOSM) : cliquez ici