Quand le manque d’accès aux services en français revictimise les femmes victimes de violence conjugale et leurs enfants
Volume and number:
, 20
, 2
, Reflets
Pages :
, 22‑51
This paper draws upon findings from a study conducted in Ontario and New‑Brunswick, looking at the access to francophone services for women and children living with domestic violence. Drawing upon the results of the first phase of an action research project conducted in partnership with academic researchers and community organizations, the data demonstrates that francophone women face particular challenges. There are important gaps in francophone services, which have consequences on the women’s well-being, health and safety. Those gaps also have consequences on their children’s well-being, health and safety. Given those consequences, the lack of access to francohphone services can be seen as an additional form of victimisation for women.
Theme :
Accessibility of servicesWomenFrancophones
Database: This is a bibliographic reference. Please note that the majority of references in our database do not contain full texts.
- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here