Apport de l’immigration aux populations francophones hors Québec
Author :
Volume and number:
, 26
, Francophonies d’Amérique
Pages :
, 235‑247
We first examine the generational deficit and the contribution from immigration in each of the Francophone provincial communities. Then we compare the degree of anglicization among Francophone immigrants to that of Canadian‑born Francophones. It appears that, outside of New Brunswick and eastern and northeastern Ontario, Francophone immigrants become anglicized very quickly after the first generation, to the point that they are a greater resource for the English-speaking population than the French. It would therefore be better to focus Francophone immigration policy in Canada on channelling this rare commodity towards the Francophone communities that have the greatest linguistic vitality while showing the most serious intergenerational deficits in actual numbers, such as those of Quebec, New Brunswick, and eastern and northeastern Ontario.
Theme :
Francophones Outside QuebecImmigration
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