Some Remarks on Coordinate and Subordinate Structures in Acadian French=Quelques remarques sur les structures coordonnées et subordonnées en français acadien
Author :
Volume and number:
, 77
, 1
, Moderna Sprak
Pages :
, 45‑53
An examination of Acadian French spoken in the Canadian Maritime Provinces. Coordinate & subordinate structures are examined because they deviate noticeably from Standard French constructions. Data are drawn from several recent novels, most notably A. Maillet’s La Sagouine (The Squirrel‑Monkey). Discussed is use of pis (puis ’then’) as a conjunction, often replacing et ’and’. Usage of ou ’or’ is also examined. B. Annesser Murray
Theme :
AcadiaAtlantic CanadaFrancophones
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