Politiques et législations linguistiques canadiennes
Author :
Volume and number:
, 52
, 2
, Mots
Pages :
, 93‑104
Le Canada est le lieu d’une inflation juridique en matière linguistique, remarquable par son caractère pacifique et démocratique. Mais le rêve d’un Canada officiellement bilingue et sociologiquement multiculturel s’estompe car la politique linguistique québécoise est de plus en plus orientée vers l’unilinguisme français.
Canada is living a legal inflation in the field of language(s). This phenomenon is remarkable because of its democratic and pacific. But the dream of a Canada officially bilingual and sociologically multicultural is far away because of the Quebec language legislation more and more oriented towards the french unilinguism.
Canada is living a legal inflation in the field of language(s). This phenomenon is remarkable because of its democratic and pacific. But the dream of a Canada officially bilingual and sociologically multicultural is far away because of the Quebec language legislation more and more oriented towards the french unilinguism.
Theme :
BilingualismLinguisticsLanguage Policy
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- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here