A comparative analysis of the development of immersion programs in British Columbia and Quebec: two divergent sociopolitical contexts
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, University of British Columbia
Current explanations for the development of immersion programs in relation to language reform in Canada were found to be inadequate and superficial. The lack of attention to the existence of different sociopolitical contexts has, furthermore, flawed the sociological interpretation of programs. A comparative case study and multi‑method approach was therefore proposed to examine the historical development of programs in two provinces with very different sociolinguistic and sociopolitical contexts, Quebec and British Columbia. Comparative analysis revealed that both commonalities and differences could be identified in the development of immersion programs in these two provinces and that these have implications for the political and sociological analysis of programs. In both contexts, it was seen that the implementation and expansion of programs has required similar organizational adjustment. The relationship of programs to language reform is, however, very different. In Quebec, programs represent a community response to the changing status of French and are only indirectly related to federal efforts to implement a national policy of official bilingualism. In British Columbia, programs were initiated by parents, but eventually became directly related to federal involvement in language education and to Ottawa’s efforts to implement a national language policy. By providing support to the parent association "Canadian Parents for French", Ottawa found a constituency in English Canada willing to promote official bilingualism. "Canadian Parents for French" and federal funding have played a critical role in the development of immersion programs in British Columbia; whereas in Quebec, neither of these elements has been an important factor in the expansion of programs. Although the development of immersion programs in Quebec and British Columbia has been framed by divergent language policies, in both provinces, the development of immersion programs reflects the adjustment of the English speaking community to the enhanced status of French. Similar sociological patterns were found in how the Anglophone community has made this adjustment and in how schools have been called upon to respond to societal change.
Theme :
British ColumbiaLanguage TrainingQuebecSociopolitical
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- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here