Language Rights, 2003‑2004
Publishing Company:
, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
This report reviews selected court decisions relating to language rights in Canada and explains their significance. The cases address such issues as institutional support to minority communities; minority language education rights; language rights before the courts, including criminal law proceedings and civil proceedings; language rights related to federal jurisdiction, including services to the public and bilingualism in the RCMP; language rights and provincial/territorial law; and investigation processes under the Official Languages Act.
Notes : "This report analyses the principal decisions affecting language rights rendered during 2003 and 2004. [...]Language rights 2003‑2004 accordingly reaffirms the essential role the courts continue to play in clarifying language rights ."--Pages 1-2
Notes : "This report analyses the principal decisions affecting language rights rendered during 2003 and 2004. [...]Language rights 2003‑2004 accordingly reaffirms the essential role the courts continue to play in clarifying language rights ."--Pages 1-2
Theme :
Database: This is a bibliographic reference. Please note that the majority of references in our database do not contain full texts.
- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here