Portrait statistique des femmes francophones au Nouveau‑Brunswick
Author :
The purpose of this study is to paint a statistical portrait of French‑speaking women in New Brunswick according to several sociodemographic, socioeconomic and sociolinguistic characteristics. It presents a synthesis of statistical data on the province’s French-speaking female population, primarily taking into account general data from Statistics Canada’s 2016 Census of Population, such as the representation of women by age group, immigration status and marital status, as well as socioeconomic data such as their field of study, education, occupation, labour force status and average income. The study also analyzes language data, such as their knowledge of official languages, language spoken at home and language used at work. Other data is explored such as migration among francophone women in New Brunswick and their membership in visible minorities, Aboriginal communities and sexual and gender minorities.
Research assistants
Pascale Rioux
Thomas Chassé
Financed by Regroupement féministe du Nouveau‑Brunswick (RFNB)
Research assistants
Pascale Rioux
Thomas Chassé
Financed by Regroupement féministe du Nouveau‑Brunswick (RFNB)
Theme :
WomenFrancophonesNew Brunswick