The National Research Hub on Official Language Minority Communities

Jason Luckerhoff appointed editor of the journal Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society

MONCTON – September 21, 2021 - Éric Forgues, Executive Director of the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities (CIRLM), is proud to announce that Jason Luckerhoff will take over the executive director position of Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society journal. He succeeds Réal Allard, who has been the editor since 2012. Dr. Allard's service to the journal has been greatly appreciated by his team and the research community. The reputation of the journal would not have been what it is today without his excellent leadership. To ensure a smooth transition, Dr. Allard will act as co-editor of the journal for a period of time.

Full professor in communication at UQTR, Dr. Jason Luckerhoff is the founder of the journal Enjeux et société (with Normand Labrie and François Guillemette) and of the collection Culture et publics published by Presses de l’Université du Québec (with Anik Meunier). He chairs Coalition Publica, a strategic partnership created in spring 2017 by Erudit, and the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), dedicated to the dissemination of research and scientific publication in the humanities and social sciences, in Canada and worldwide. Publica is a Canadian initiative – part of an international movement striving to redefine the power relations within scholarly publishing in order to support the free circulation of knowledge in the transition towards open access, and new research perspectives in the humanities and social sciences. Dr. Luckerhoff had been appointed on secondment for one year (2019-2020) to the Université de l’Ontario français (UOF, Toronto) as Vice-President, Program and Knowledge Development and has been Department Section Head and Director of Graduate Studies in communication at UQTR. He is also former Vice-President of the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation and President of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Alumni Network. The Foundation awards some of Canada’s most prestigious doctoral scholarships and fellowships. Dr. Luckerhoff was a member of the Advisory Committee on the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, and has sat on the Board of Directors of many cultural organizations. He served on the French Language University Planning Board, which submitted its report in June 2017, and continues to be a close collaborator.

Press Release in PDF