Rehner, Katherine
Publications sur les minorités linguistiques
, (2021), The Impact of CEFR‑Related Professional Learning on Second-Language Teachers’ Classroom Practice : The Case of French in Canada, Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée, 24‑1, 26‑53.
, (2005), Contact‑induced linguistic innovations on the continuum of language use: The case of French in Ontario, Bilingualism : language and cognition, 8 (2), 99‑115.
, (2004), Expression de la notion de véhicule automobile dans le parler des adolescents francophones de l’Ontario, Francophonies d’Amérique, 17, 91‑106.
, (2004), The learning of spoken french variation by immersion students from Toronto, Canada, Journal of Sociolinguistics, 8, 3, 408‑432.
, (1999), Variation in the Spoken French of Immersion Students: To ne or not ne, That is the Sociolinguistic Question, Canadian Modern Language Review / La Revue Canadienne des Langues vivantes, 56, 1, 124‑154.